Last-Ditch Effort To Save JIMI HENDRIX's Highlands Home Probably Too Little, Too Late
March 27, 2009RentonReporter.com reports: A last-ditch effort to save Jimi Hendrix's childhood home began this week, just days before the Friday removal deadline issued by the City of Renton.
But city officials Wednesday were doubtful that the effort would be successful.
"There's been a long history of these 11th-hour efforts to get another delay," said Alex Pietsch, administrator of the city's Department of Community and Economic Development
And, frankly, Pietsch said city officials are fed up with the rundown house fronting a mobile-home park in the Renton Highlands.
"The property owner has had sufficient time to live up to his agreements, and we're going to be really skeptical of any last-minute agreements, because we've been down this road before," Pietsch said.
Read the entire report from RentonReporter.com.